Archive for June, 2009

College Life: Meet the Professors

The following is a biweekly (That means twice a week, right? It doesn’t? Once every two weeks? Seriously? What’s the word for two times a week? Oh it is biweekly? Cool.) column in which I cover a number of different aspects pertaining to freshman year. Hopefully, this will be a good idea and will be interesting. Some of these recaps will make you laugh, some will make you cry, but they will always be mostly true. Of course, some names and dates have been changed to protect the innocent.

Continue reading ‘College Life: Meet the Professors’

To Hug or Not to Hug

HugAs a burgeoning actor, I took any part I could get. That’s why I once accepted the role of a character whose only action in the entire play was to hug a female character. No lines, no emotions, just a hug. Unfortunately, before long it became apparent that I wasn’t fit for this role. I never imagined that this would happen to me, but I lost a part in a play because of the awkward style of my hug. Since then I have practiced like my life depended on it, however much to my chagrin my hug has remained awkward (as noted repeatedly by Anna Farnsworth). This had been a severe topic of concern, but after stumbling upon a particular New York Times article, I know that I am not alone.
Continue reading ‘To Hug or Not to Hug’

College Life: Move-in weekend

The following is a biweekly (That means twice a week, right? It doesn’t? Once every two weeks? Seriously? What’s the word for two times a week? Oh it is biweekly? Cool.) column in which I cover a number of different aspects pertaining to freshman year. Hopefully, this will be a good idea and will be interesting. Some of these recaps will make you laugh, some will make you cry, but they will always be mostly true. Of course, some names and dates have been changed to protect the innocent.

I now leave you with the first of a hopefully long series. It is rated PG-13 and contains adult situations, weather, mud, girls, and rejection.
Continue reading ‘College Life: Move-in weekend’

Maybe I should go to Iran this summer…

So I am approximately one month into my summer break – and to be frank, I have been up to abso-fricken-lutely nothing.

Summer so far has consisted of me sitting in some form of a basement all day and night long. Social networking has been at the top of the agenda. LinkedIn and Twitter have been added to the rotation, and there has been discussion of bringing MySpace and Xanga back. I am enrolled in a summer school class, but seeing how I don’t attend class during the academic year, I don’t see how I would possibly show up in the summer.

The constant berations of my mother and my chronic back problems from lying awkwardly on the couch all day has inspired me to do something with my life. A job search turned out to be unsuccessful (Bush’s failed economic policies hit home. How about a Restaurant bailout plan?), and I even considered posting more on Pretzel Day (we all know how that turned out).

But my channel-surfing has turned me on to some interesting events happening in Iran – and they have made me proud to be a human being.
Continue reading ‘Maybe I should go to Iran this summer…’

Review of “The Hangover”

pretIn Madonna-esque fashion, Heather Graham’s character lowered her top and offered her breast to her baby. Seconds later, a police officer knocks down the door and aims a gun at our three main characters and yells for someone to “shut that baby up.” A couple seconds later still, Bradley Cooper, Ed Helms, and Zach Galifianakis are shown handcuffed in a police station. In short, a lot happened in a very short period of time.

Continue reading ‘Review of “The Hangover”’

We will not be mentioning our long, extended break

pretWe at Pretzel Day will make no mention of the great length between posts here. We will not mention the fact that the site was left completely alone for the past two months. Much like the mysterious half season appearance of Tori in Saved By The Bell, we’re keeping our mouth shut and hoping the event went unnoticed. We’re just not going to say anything.

Fear not, the web site will be updated semi-frequently now that the summer months are upon us. In the coming days expect recaps of year 1 of college, movie reviews, and erotic tales of Robbie’s first year.

It’ll be fun.

June 2009


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